
Fields that can go on Schemas

Included are the common data types you’ll probably need, and a generic Field class so you can implement your own if you want.

class bfh.fields.Field(required=True, default=None)

Base class for a field.

You can create custom fields if you inherit this and implement serialize and validate as desired:

class AngryField(Field):
def serialize(self, value, **kwargs):
return “I HATE YOU”
def validate(self, value):
return False
class bfh.fields.ArrayField(array_type=None, **kwargs)

A field that can contain an array of things of type array_type

class Inner(Schema):
wow = IntegerField()
class MySchema(Schema):
ints = ArrayField(int) inners = ArrayField(Inner)

indicates an object that looks like so:

{“ints”: [1, 2, 3], “inners”: [{“wow”: 4}, {“wow”: 5}]}
class bfh.fields.BooleanField(required=True, default=None)

A field that should contain a boolean.

class bfh.fields.DatetimeField(required=True, default=None)

A field that should contain a Python datetime object.

class bfh.fields.IsoDateString(strict=False, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)

A string field that validates that it contains an ISO 8601 date string

class bfh.fields.IntegerField(required=True, default=None)

A field that should contain an integer.

class bfh.fields.NumberField(required=True, default=None)

A field that should contain a floating-point number.

class bfh.fields.ObjectField(required=True, default=None)

A field that can contain a schemaless dict or object.

class bfh.fields.Subschema(subschema_class, *args, **kwargs)

A field that defines a subschema.

Define one schema, then you can use this field to embed it in another:

class Inner(Schema):
# some fields
class MySchema(Schema):
inner = Subschema(Inner) # more fields
class bfh.fields.UnicodeField(strict=False, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)

A field that contains strings.

Expect unicode. If it’s not already unicode, assume it’s utf-8 and transform it to unicode.